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"We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone, as we temporarily adapt to a completely new way of living. However, our message to our customers is simple and mirrors that of the government – stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives."
"Who would have thought just a few weeks ago we would have rebranded in such a way, and even changed our logo? We want to inspire the UK to have fun and adventure, in a safe manner, no matter what your ability is, it’s the ethos that our staff and customers have shared for many years. From camping indoors to star spotting from your bedroom window."
"I’d like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful NHS for everything it is doing for our country in the current circumstances. The sooner we all act, the sooner we’ll be able to fully embrace the great outdoors again, so let’s work together to support our NHS in making this a reality, and for now - GO Indoors.”
Lee Bagnall, CEO
The Go Outdoors ethos has always been the same: to inspire our customers to get outdoors, have fun, and find adventure. Unfortunely, this month everything changed and suddenly GO(ing) Outdoors became exactly the thing we can’t do for a while. We realised we needed to keep our GO Outdoors community of customers and staff engaged during this challenging situation.
The answer was simple; change one word in our name and GO Indoors was born. The best way for us to keep in touch is through our various social media channels, so we began thinking about how we can create and share new content that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your home. You may recognise Ian Mac from years of Go Outdoors video content - well he's kindly stepped into the breach (and his back garden) to show you how to get the best from your time at home.
GO Indoors isn’t about getting people to spend money or show off new product. It’s simply about bringing the great outdoors into people’s homes. There is no masterplan and the project is organically evolving day-by-day, with a growing pool of ideas and inspirations. Ian has spent the last seven years making online ‘how to’ videos for GO, so we thought maybe he could try and do the same from his backyard. Now comes the challenging bit - Ian is going to have to direct, film and star in what we're sure will be a mixed bag of videos!
We are going to create videos, guides and blogs about servicing and looking after your kit, ready for when we can go back outdoors. We’ll also offer tips on entertaining the kids, product videos on some favourite outdoor kit, campsite cookery that you can do in the kitchen and/or garden, and any other ideas we can think of. Be warned though, we’re all self-isolating so some of this could get wacky!
There is only so much that one man, a camera and a garden shed can deliver though. So, we decided who better to get involved than our wonderful customers. We want to see how everyone is keeping the spirit of adventure alive in the safety of their own homes. Using the hashtag #GOindoors we want people to share their videos and photos, everything fromcrafting to camping in the back garden. Show us how you’re making the best of your “me-time” or this opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. We’ll also be giving out some prizes for the best videos and photos shared
The message behind all this is a simple one - GO Indoors - Protect the NHS - Save Lives. So stay tuned to all our channels. We hope you enjoy what we produce, and if there are any videos you want us to make then just let us know. When life returns to normal we'll see you out in the hills to enjoy actually GO(ing) Outdoors again. Until then, keep positive and stay safe.
Ian and the Go Outdoors Team
We really want to see what you've been up to.
Tag your photos using #GOIndoors on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook