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The bike pedal is a key component of any bike, acting as the connection from the rider’s foot to the crank and turning the bracket spindle, propelling the bike forward. Looking for new pedals for your bike? Whether you're looking for replacement pedals for your current bike or pedals to add to your brand-new road bike, GO Outdoors has a wide selection to suit. With flat, clipped, and clipless in stock, there's a pedal to suit your cycling style. From top cycling brands such as Shimano and Burgtec, our selection of bike pedals will have you flying down the trails and smoothly riding on the roads in no time!
Explore our huge array of clipless bike pedals, with lightweight spring tension providing a platform for maximum power transfer and support. Browse our wide range of flat bike pedals, offering good grip, durability, and design, built to perform in any weather for all-year-round cycling. We also have a range of cleats available!