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Product code: 15959593 / 339647
With a pitch time of just 3 minutes, the wind break is quick and easy to set up, making your camping holiday hassle free.
I expected a more robust product. The material is pretty flimsy. Attaching string catches have no grips so was constantly having to re-tighten.Spikes FAR to small to stay in ground in mildest wind.
Well worth the money and so easy to put up x
Good product. Wish was a bit longer but does the job. Thanks
This windbreak is too short only about 80cm high so that means it doesn't really stop much of the wind when you're sitting in a camping chair. Also the spikes to go into the ground are really short.
If you know how to put a windbreak with guy lines up then this is the best windbreak out there, we have been in 40mph winds and it's hardly moved. Folds down into a small bag so very compact. 5 stars!