If you are willing to travel this store has stock available now.
Travel with peace of mind and keep your gear safe, secure and protected, whether it's with you or not.
Product code: 15919089 / 315428
Key featuresexpand_more
Numinous packs use several levels of anti-theft technology to give you peace of mind with your important documents and belongings while you travel. According to a recent survey we carry £1,500 worth of electronics and technology when travelling abroad - Numinous packs' unique layered security system keeps your gear protected at all times, whether you're carrying the bag or not.
They're comfortable to carry, thanks to the 'Fixed Airflow' back system, adjustable back, side handles and padded straps.
The Numinous GlobePac 55L Rucksack boasts Numinous Anti-Slash Technology™, TSA zip locks, anti-puncture zips and the Numinous Shield Combination Lock™ which allows you to securely fix it to almost any fixed object.
You also have the option of securely attaching the Numinous 25l Globepac onto this pack, to increase your overall volume up to 80 litres.
The Numinous Shield System lets you securely attach the 55L pack to anything immobile, eg. a sunbed or parasol base, making it perfect for holiday trips to the beach or pool.
ANTI-SLASH: Numinous anti-slash technology uses Kevlar because of its high tensile strength to weight ratio - it's five times stronger than steel.
ANTI-PUNCTURE: Numinous rucksacks are puncture resistant to pen or tool attacks, so you can fully protect your belongings when using the TSA zip locks.
SECURE LOCK: The retractable combination lock system lets you securely attach the rucksack to bunk beds in dorm rooms or other fixed objects, so you're worry-free when you're separated from your Numinous.
Travel Sentry Approved: TSA locks allow you to securely lock zips closed, which can only be opened again with your unique combination, set by you. Travel Sentry® Approved locks allow security authorities to unlock, inspect and re-lock your bag without damaging the lock. (Security screening at all US and Canadian airports, and many others internationally, use TSA master keys - for more information visit travelsentry.org )
Good solid rucksack...not light due to quality of padding etc. But worth it to feel secure as others have had their bags slashed at airports.