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Product code: 15900845 / 313171
Bought 8 packs for a Dofe Silver expedition. Good light weight easily cleaned and storage in your bag is easy. would advise looking at bargain cooking equipment here they are
Perfectly adequate. Not as good as the mess tins I used to have years ago. Available for half the price elsewhere, and individually rather than packs of two.
Simple aluminium mess tins, As you should expect great for cooking with or using a receptical to eat out of.
The one thing if I had anything to gripe about would be thickness/strength of material. They are not as sturdy as ones owned previously but that was 20 years ago. It is probably a good comparison to a Mars bar you just get quite as much for your money these days.
yep, they're aluminium mess tins, nothing special. clean easily and handles good enough
Excellent kit. Reverted back to these as I used them in the field as a squaddie. Why carry pots, pans and a kettle when these do it all. Folds away with ability to store within thus reducing space. Personally, I store folding burner, fuel tablets scouring/sponge, diggers and fire starter kit. Certainly cheap but definitely not nasty.
These were good value for money lightweight and easy to pack in my rucksack whilst doing my Duke of Edinburgh expedition. Would recommend them to others
An excellent set of mess tins - allowed two ten year olds to make a hot drink and a simple meal (using the hexamine cooker). Cleaned up very easily - a great purchase and excellent value for money.
These are great - I haven’t used them camping Yet but they are brilliant for family fajita nights.
The mess tins themselves are lightweight, sturdy and easy enough to clean. Decent piece of kit for those that may not be financially able to splash out on bigger brands or more expensive pieces of kit. I'd prefer a slightly smaller mess thin but that's my personal preference as I'm a minimalist. I can't fault them other than that. If you clean and look after them they'll last you a long time
Perfect set of mess tins. The right price, sturdy and easy to clean.
Can't fault them.
Not much to not like about these Mess cans. Easy to store and easy to cook on. We cooked sausages in one and burnt them a bit but the tin came up again like new.
Great price and functional for someone who does not camp regularly. Would be handy to have a lid for boiling food stuff, although I just used the second tin as a lid which worked perfect..
The Army use em so whats not to like about them,they cook food boil water and one can stores inside another great for chilli and rice too.
Can’t complain about the price but the edges are razor sharp and they don’t wash up very good still does the job tho